[COMB2014]鼓励患者直面乳腺癌遗传咨询——Wong Seng Weng教授访谈

作者:  黄醒荣   日期:2014/8/26 18:43:55  浏览量:66356


编者按:“第二届乳腺癌个体化治疗大会”于8月1~3日在北京顺利召开。会上,来自新加坡的Wong Seng Weng教授作了精彩演讲。Wong Seng Weng是伊丽莎白医疗癌症中心肿瘤学专家及内科主任顾问,擅长成人肿瘤的诊断与治疗,尤其在乳腺肿瘤、肺部肿瘤以及胃肠道肿瘤上有着自己独到的见解。《肿瘤瞭望》就乳腺的诊疗进展、遗传咨询和脑转移等问题采访了Wong教授。

伊丽莎白医疗癌症中心 Wong Seng Weng

  <Oncology Frontier>: What improvements have you seen in your field of breast cancer?

  《肿瘤瞭望》: 请您介绍一下乳腺癌领域的进展?

  Dr Wong: Looking at the advances in the treatment of breast cancer, the most important advance has been in understanding the molecular nature of breast cancer and that it is not a homogenous disease. We now understand that there are different subtypes of disease such as the HER2-positive disease and the endocrine receptor positive disease. What is left is a mixed bag; we call it triple-negative disease. But triple-negative is not defined in a positive way. It is defined by exclusion so is a bit of a mixed basket which is why advances in this particular area of triple-negative breast cancer appear to be fewer.

  Of the three subgroups I have mentioned, it would be the HER2-positive and the estrogen receptor positive subgroups that have seen big advances because we have come to understand the mechanism behind tumor growth. For the HER2-positive breast cancers, we have new agents like pertuzumab to be used together with trastuzumab. Pertuzumab prevents the dimerization of HER2 receptors with other receptors in the HER family which produces better results in first-line treatment. Even for very resistant disease with T-DM1 where the thioether link is able to link a cytotoxic agent with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab, allowing for a very targeted delivery of cytotoxic to the cell, leads to much improved treatment results. For example, with the PARP inhibitors, which were initially thought to be very effective for the triple-negative disease because we believed DNA repair was a weakness of these types of tumors, we have found that not to be the case because they are not homogenous. It is only as subset of triple-negative tumors that respond to that. So this triple-negative group of breast cancers will only see major advances when we understand how to sub-classify them in a positive sense rather than in a negative sense by exclusion.






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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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